packers and mover

Indira nagar munshipuliya lucknow 226016, - 226016
09044000123 (Click to call)
Category: Taxi Services
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packers and mover

Ogonn Technologies Provide Best Logistic and transport Solution for On-Road Transportation Services with bidding process and Ogonn Bike Service is a platform where people can book a bike ride through a ogonn website and ogonn mobile app to and from the destination of their choice. ... With a vision to provide affordable and fast transport option for the people and Ogonn offers pick and drop service that our customers can use to move their Goods up to a maximum of 10kg to the local city cheaply and rapidly. Customers can move any kind of Goods like foods paper books laptop desktop mobile kitchen utensils clothes and more. We offer a hassle-free movement of goods for cross Industry warehouses with an end-to-end online tracking solution at a minimum pricing good service and back up every shipment with latest Technology features & professional Customer Support.



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