QuantaGeeks Technologies

38A, Radha Madhab Saha Ln, Simla, Machuabazar,kolkata, west bengal, 700007, - 700007
+91-8967752991 (Click to call)
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QuantaGeeks Technologies

A leading web development company QuantaGeeks Technologies is offering website design and development, app development, and SEO. We are believed to be one of the best web development company in India. Our development center is located in one of the oldest IT hub of India.

Whether you choose to develop a website or proceed with app development, QuantaGeeks Technologies is the right web development company to proceed with. Many of our customers plan for creating an app from scratch, we help our clients to do the custom building of applications too. We Provide services like website design & development, app development ( Android & IOS),  Software Development, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, SEO Services, Business Development Consulting, and Integration & On-Demand Hiring.



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