Memoria Multi Cusine Restaurant and Banquet Hall
Memoria Restaurant, established in 2018 is one stop destination toall the food lovers for a quality and tasty food. We are located near IT Corridor, Gachibowli with an idea of reaching a big number of crowd. Our experienced Chefs designed the menu with a combination of Indian and World Cuisine. Their innovative and creative delicacies keeps us unique. Our staff are very courteous and prompt at providing any assistance. Our intention is to delight each customer cravings with our delicious dishes. Our menu has Hyderabadi Biryani, Pot Biryani, Bamboo Chicken, Special Sea Food and flame icecreams etc. We also have Banquet hall with a capacity of 250Pax which is suitable for Weddings, Parties and Corporate gatherings. Our hospitality and aesthetics will definitely give you an enthralling experience and make your moments memorable.
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