Construction company in Bhubaneswar

OIPL Office, Left hand side of Raj Vatika Apartment, Patharagadia, Road Near KISS Campus 3, Patia, Bhubaneswar, Pin- 751024, - 751024
9040019824 (Click to call)
Category: Property
Construction company in Bhubaneswar

Builtify is a leading Construction company in Bhubaneswar working for over three decades and has been contributing to the developmental process of the temple city. If you are looking for a reliable construction company in Bhubaneswar, we are here to help you build your dream. We are equipped with international standard equipment and experienced engineers to build any kind of construction such as Maritime Structure, Highways, Bridges ,Flyovers, TBM & NATM Tunnels, Foundation,Specialist Engineering,  Airport, Industrial Structure ,Buildings.



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