Simrat Property - Property Dealers in Mohali

SCO- 6 Ground Floor, Sector 82 Mohali 140306, - 140306
8427650655 (Click to call)
Category: Property
Simrat Property - Property Dealers in Mohali

Owning a property is a dream turn into reality, especially in Mohali, where owning a house has become a challenge in itself. To solve such property related problems and toilet services in Mohali; 'Simrat Property' has come up with a wide range of property option.

Property, be it residential, commercial or industrial, holds vital importance within the lives of the people and thus any transaction of sale, purchase or rent requires prime attention. We are one among the best and reputed property dealer in Mohali providing reliable advisory and documentation services as a real estate consultants.

We offer as per requirement furnished and unfurnished commercial leases as per requirement across Mohali. We help our customers to rent, sell and buy offices and shops and land. We provide on the spot solutions to our clients for residential services in Mohali. Our agents also mediate clients to negotiate a price that is affordable to both parties.

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