Desai Metalinks Ltd

407, 4th Floor, Sigma Ceejay Legacy, Nr. Panjara Pole Cross Road, Ahmedabad , - 380009
91 79 26301992 (Click to call)
Desai Metalinks Ltd

Desai Metalinks Ltd, a leading company of Ahmedabad based Desai Group of Companies, has been certified as the only producer of Ferro Manganese Briquettes in entire Asia. This certification has been done by the renowned certifying agency ‘Kaizen Market Research & Consultant’.

DesaiMetalinks is an organization, which in broad term principally refers to dedicated services, which are rendered to various corporate companies and Industries by our highly qualified and well-equipped R&D team, who are stalwarts from the industry / trade and masters their engineering technical expertise. They empower the overall development of alloying and refining & polishing steel requirements specially crafted as per the client requirements.

We are the pioneer manufacturer of the most sought after exceedingly demanding product called Ferro Manganese Briquette.

Our focus and effort of years culminated towards creating the product with an intention to meet the growing need across the globe.

With a clear strategy and R&D by our experts, we at DML endeavoured to successfully produce the product which was comparatively much more affordable and it steered clear of all competition.

The product had an enormous advantage on the commercial aspect as it endowed a direct gain percentage because of its low cost to our associates, patrons and esteemed clients.



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