Perez Appliance and Plumbing Repair

8953 Atlantic Ave South Gate California, - 90280
+1 323-249-1140 (Click to call)
Category: Plumber
Perez Appliance and Plumbing Repair

In 1987, we started a family business built on sturdy foundations of expertise and honesty.More than 30 years later, we’re still offering the best plumbing solutions and appliance repairs in Los Angeles County.Our experience enables us to provide relief to our customers by doing things well from theget-go: from the moment you report a problem our licensed technicians will analyze it and approach it in a streamlined way. No problem is too big or too small--whether you need a
faucet change or a full kitchen remodel, our results are guaranteed.We pride ourselves on our transparent service: a friendly approach with an emphasis on providing you both, a seamless experience and an outcome that you will value. This is why we’ve been widely recommended by residents of Los Angeles County since the very



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