Transcription Service Company in India

Behind Gogiya Petrol Pump Near Airport Circle, Tonk Road. Sanganer, Jaipur, - 302029
09829116505 (Click to call)
Category: Others
Transcription Service Company in India

Transcription Services

If you are looking for the best transcription companies in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, then reach out to Rajinfo Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. for professional transcription services, Transcription is the art of converting speech, either live or recorded into a written or electronic text document which needs dedicated attention and expertise in transcription services. The most widely recognized type of transcription is from a spoken source in any dialect to text. If you need profession transcription services like for court hearings, interviews, research, and the likes, then you can ease up your pressure and increase your productivity by hiring one of the best transcription company like Rajinfo Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. In addition to translation services Rajinfo Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. also provide audio and video transcription services including Legal Transcription, Medical Transcription, Transcription of Meetings, Webinars, Interviews, Podcast with pure verbatim, unlimited revisions upto 100% customer satisfaction including proofreading in a well-structured format with time stamp or time reference. We having a team of qualified and professional designers provide you end to end or turnkey language solution. As; you may looking for such a translation agency who can translate your documents, books, magazines, reports, research papers, articles, circulars, manuals to various languages including designing, printing and dispatch then Rajinfo Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. is the only agency who can provide you such one stop translation and transcription services.



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