Rent Moving Crates

128 Queen St S, Mississauga, Ontario, - L5M 1K8
647-999-8091 (Click to call)
Category: Others
Rent Moving Crates

EZBoxes rents green, plastic moving boxes to people moving around the Greater Toronto Area. You’ll save money, time, and protect your stuff and the

EZBoxes are designed to stack well – they won’t slip off, and cause an avalanche the way cheap cardboard boxes tend to. EZBoxes are made of durable plastic
which is crush-proof, and water-resistant. You know how with paper boxes, you have to find the end of the packing tape and build the box, only to have to do it again
when you want to close it up?  Never mind if you forget what’s in one, or want to add something to a  closed box. EZBoxes have attached lids that are easy to open and
they securely close.



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