My Crypto Tax -Cryptocurrency Tax division of My Accountancy Team Ltd

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My Crypto Tax -Cryptocurrency Tax division of My Accountancy Team Ltd

MyCryptotax is a division of My Accountancy Team Limited, My Accountancy Team is a modern forward thinking Chartered Management Accountancy firm offering full range of Accountancy, Taxation and Consultancy services to Individuals, Contractors, Start-ups and Small Businesses throughout United Kingdom. As a member in practice , My Accountancy Team is regulated and monitored by Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). My Accountancy Team is authorised to practice and providing accounting and taxation services in the United Kingdom. Mycryptotax division exclusively focus on providing taxation and accountancy services for the cryptocurrency community in UK. Mycryptotax’s tax advisors currently advising many clients on the tax implications of buying and selling cryptocurrencies, mining/staking cryptocurrencies, arbitraging exchanges and margin trading as well as transferring back into ‘fiat currencies’.




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