
2 Corobrik Place, Riverhorse Valley Business Estate, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, - 4000
031 569 6090 (Click to call)
Category: Others

CAPCO was established in 1989 as a stockist, distributor, and manufacturer of ceiling and partition systems and components. The management has been in the industry for over 45 years, and have developed a reputation for innovative design. This experience and expertise has created a unique niche for CAPCO through the ability to translate special design specifications of architects, designers, and customers into functional products that meet these design criteria. CAPCO has a comprehensive range of ceiling systems sourced from quality international and local manufacturers, with unique design trims that allow architects, designers and contractors to create distinctive individual ceiling designs that add aesthetic and functional value to an area. The variety of tile materials, surface patterns and ceiling installation configurations, make CAPCO ceiling systems and ceiling trims ideal ceiling solutions for all applications.



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