With over 20 years of experience in the business, Beacon Garage Doors have acquired an exceptional reputation for quality craftsmanship and competence in all areas of garage door fitting and servicing. Along with garage door supply, installation, and maintenance, we also provide garage door opener installation, which is used in all of our electric garage doors. This mechanism may be installed on your garage door to open it without the need for any physical lifting. It is easily connected to the interior of your garage through an integrated sensor, allowing you to open the garage using a remote control or by pressing a button within the garage. With this simple mechanism, your garage door may be transformed into a high-security door, lowering the risk of burglary and content insurance. Remember that we serve Birmingham, Lichfield, Sutton Coldfield, and Walsall, as well as the surrounding districts. Please browse the rest of our website, phone us, or use our handy online contact form to learn more about our other services
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