According to Hindu Mythology the festival of Rakhi depicts the beautiful bond between siblings and involves auspicious ceremony of Puja. This year Rakhi is on 11th August, 2021 and celebrated worldwide. Buy Traditional Rakhi, Zardosi Rakhi etc from our expert recommended collection of Rakhis and Send Rakhi to Bhopal through indiafloristnetwork. You will also get complimentary Roli, Teeka and Chawal with your selection of designer Rakhi decked elegantly in traditional Rakhi Thali. You can also add on Fresh Fruits and Flowers, Cakes, Silver Plated Puja Thali, Chocolates, Dry Fruits, Snacks and Gourmets Hamper, Home Décor accessories, Smart Wears etc from leading brands. Send Rakhi Gifts to Bhopal and also avail Same Day Free Delivery at your doorstep. Send Rakhi Return Gifts to Sister through our leading website. Avail any conventional payment methods in our existing website. Source :
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