Brij Future Point

288/A, Gali No. 04, Santpura, Modinagar, Distt. Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh , - 201201
9368433275 (Click to call)
Category: Others
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Brij Future Point

This is Pt. Brij Bhushan Sharrma. I am world renowned professional Astrologer . I am Vedic,Vastu,Lo Shu Grid ,Palmistry,Numerology ,Lal Kitab Expert. I prepared a Bhagya Kundali ─ Bhagya Darpan(Complete Horoscope of 300 pages) which is a life time Kundali of a single person which contain 30Year Varshphal ,Dasha Vishleshan ,Lal Kitab , Numerology, Manglik Dosh, Pitr Dosh , Yogs, Educational health Report , Gems Report,etc. I have a long and varied experience in dealing with clients from all stratas of society.



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