AyuSewa Ambulance Agency is located in Patna and provides the best ambulance services in India major cities like Bihar, Bhopal, Kolkata, Bangalore, Orissa, Jharkhand, Odisha, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Banaras, Hyderabad, Siliguri, Vellore, and Lucknow. We provide safe and fast transportation services to patients so that they reach their destination on time and protect their health. Our ambulance is equipped with modern equipment and is available in ICU mode, our experienced team of MBBS doctors and nurses keep proper monitoring of the patient as required by the patient.
Website: https://ayusewa.com/
Email: info@ayusewa.com
Phone: +91-8817425685/ 9031690777 / 99031480480 / 99031481481 / 99031484484 / 9031448222
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