Alumlight is one of the leading engineering solutions company based in Israel. We specialize in engineering design, development, manufacture, import and marketing of molds for a concrete casting and slab support system. We provide best quality concrete casting molds, concrete slab formwork, post and beam construction, ceiling support system, Aluminium support system etc. Alumlight provides provides a unique combination of engineering design and innovative solutions for every engineering need in the concrete casting formwork field. For more details visit our website. Alumlight is a one stop shop for modular concrete molds for its customers. The Company provides a unique combination of engineering design services and an advanced and innovative basket of solutions that provides a comprehensive response to the engineering requirement in the field of concrete casting molds. Alumlight is a leading company in its field established by the engineer Yoram Raz in 1991 and specializes in engineering design, development, manufacture, import and marketing of molds for a concrete casting.
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