Nagarjuna Polymers is one of the leading manufacturers of HDPE Pipes, Sprinkler Irrigation Equipments & HDPE Fittings in India. Our products are manufactured strictly according to the ISI and other international standards. We constantly redefine our quality standards, focussing on surpassing of the same thus adding more value to end users. Nagarjuna Polymers started operations in 1997. Today with an installed capacity of 2400 tpa, we manufacture HDPE pipes from 20mm to 315mm dia. Our pipes are ideal for replacing PVC, GI and CI Pipes. Our pipes are used in transportation of Portable Water, Distribution Lines, Gases, Chemicals, Sewerage/Drainage lines, Electrical/Telecom Ducting, Waste Disposal, Borewells, Irrigation and Sprinkler Systems. Nagarjuna Polymers also maintains an inventory of quality HDPE fittings to provide customers with a one stop solution.
Infrastructure: Our sprawling factory conveniently located in Cherlapally Industrial Area, Hyderabad, AP. The manufacturing unit is equipped with ultra modern pipe extrusion plant supported by highly experienced professionals. As a result, we are now capable of supplying 5,00,000 meters per month of pipes and related products. Our machinery & equipment incorporate the latest technologies which enable us to be competitive in the market.
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