Sheilas Angels In Home Care

1350 Nasa Parkway, Ste 204, Houston, TX, - 77058
281-480-4846 (Click to call)
Category: Hospitals
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Sheilas Angels In Home Care

Sheila’s Angels provides non-medical companion / homemaker services to seniors, those recovering from surgery, and others. Options include 24 hour live-in care or hourly care. Our experienced, compassionate and dependable caregivers provide our clients with loving care and assistance to help make their lives easier and to retain their independence, while providing their families with the peace of mind that their loved ones are safe. All of our caregivers are carefully screened, bonded and insured so you can trust you are getting the best possible assistance. If needed, Sheila’s Angels also provides services to individuals who may reside in an assisted living facility or nursing home, and also works with Long Term Care Insurance and Veteran assistance.



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