Orthopedic & Spine Surgeon in Hyderabad | Dr Surya Prakash Rao

Sarovar Complex, 5-9-22, Secretariat Rd, Saifabad, Khairatabad, Secunderabad, Telangana 500063, - 50001
9848024699 (Click to call)
Category: Hospitals
Orthopedic & Spine Surgeon in Hyderabad | Dr Surya Prakash Rao

Dr Surya Prakash Rao Voleti has specialized in spinal surgery and has been working in this area for over two decades. He is one of the few amongst the orthopedic fraternity in the state of Andhra Pradesh doing dedicated work in the field of spine surgery, particularly in the management of spinal deformity.


He has pioneered the management of congenital kyphoscoliosis. And is also trained in minimally invasive techniques in the management of degenerative and traumatic affections of spine. 


Equally competent in the management of all traumatic and non-traumatic conditions in orthopedics, both in children and adults. His work on posterior Hemivertebrectomy in management of neglected congenital scoliosis is well appreciated at the National and International orthopaedic forums.


Management of complex trauma, Paediatric orthopaedics and management of neglected limb deformities using Ilizarov system are the other areas of his expertise.He was a faculty at prestigious Nizam’s Institute of medical sciences where he served for a decade. Many postgraduate students who have passed out under his guidance are into successful practice rendering state of the art orthopaedic services across India and abroad.


Address: Sarovar Complex, 5-9-22, Secretariat Rd, Saifabad, Khairatabad, Secunderabad, Telangana 500063


Website URL: https://www.spinesurgeon.in


Book An Appointment : https://www.spinesurgeon.in/book-an-appointment/


Phone No: +91 9848024699



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