Miracle Aerospace is an ISO certified company that is known for following QMS and Lean manufacturing processes to achieve the best quality products to supply to its customers across the globe. Already known as one of the leading transformer and air core inductor manufacturers in India, Miracle Aerospace is now also the most renowned offset partner for Indian defense with leading names in the industry. They have partnered with STACO as switch and illuminated panels for aircraft and defense distributors in India, and with Tri-County Aerospace as the repair of generator rotors and stators distributors in India.
The company is also known as the most reliable aerospace wiring harness manufacturer in India as it manufactures dependable and consistent aerospace cable assemblies in India, and also provides effective cable laser marking for aircraft cables in India. With Lean manufacturing processes that result in on-time delivery and zero defects, Miracle Aerospace has resulted in product excellence and committed customer services. And, it is their compliance with various quality and industry specification norms like RoHS, REACH, CE, and UL that has helped them evolve into the global company that they are today.
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