Rudoy Medical

99 Main Street Suite 301, Nyack, NY 10960, - 11378
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Category: Doctors
Rudoy Medical

Rudoy Medical promises commitment and optimal care for all our patients. With friendly staff, highly qualified Psychiatrists and Psychotherapists, and the convenience of televisions, we look forward to optimizing your quality of healthcare. Rudoy Medical focuses on your convenience and how we can help you reach your goals for mental health. Here are some of the benefits of trusting us to be your mental healthcare provider.
Rudoy Medical focuses on your convenience and how we can help you reach your goals for mental health. Here are some of the benefits of trusting us to be your mental healthcare provider.
Our providers treat a lot of diagnoses, including ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Insomnia, Personality Disorders, Bipolar I and II, Borderline Personality, Eating Disorders, and many more!
Our Psychiatrists, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners, and Psychotherapists are widely experienced and highly qualified.



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