Dr. Parijat Deb Choudhury - Cardiologist in Kolkata
Medithics is a super specialty clinic in Kolkata. In our medithics you can meet Kolkata’s best cardiologist Dr. Parijat deb chowdhury. Complications of the heart or cardiovascular system is treated, diagnosed and prevented by cardiologists. Amongst the heart hospitals in Kolkata & top 10 cardiologists in Kolkata, Medithics is known for renowned Interventional Cardiologist in Kolkata as core founding member and a consultant doctor. Interventional cardiology is a branch of cardiology that deals specifically with the catheter based treatment of heart diseases, especially angioplasty reducing scars and pain, and long post-operative recovery. Heart specialist doctor in Kolkata at Medithics has noteworthy experience in cardiology treatment and heart surgery.
Email- info@medithics.com
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