Yolax Infranergy Private Limited
Welcome! to Yolax Infranergy
Yolax Infranergy Private Limited is an ISO 9001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 Certified Company. The company is professionally managed with involvement of highly qualified and experienced professionals in various field of operations in Industry and Infrastructure.
Over the four decades of experience into various energy and other related operation & maintenance services prompted us to venture into total Energy related consulting solutions separately.
We provide technically feasible and commercially viable Solutions to our valuable customers for achievement of most economical energy cost and green energy management initiatives:
- FSR- Feasibility Study Report
- In Principle Rail Traffic Clearance
- Survey for Construction Plan
- DPR- Detailed Project Report
- ESP- Engineering Scale Plan
- OHE- Overhead Electrification
- Signaling and Telecommunication
- Drone /UAV Survey
- Topographical Survey
- Drone LiDAR Survey
- Infrastructure Survey
- Green Energy Survey
- Renewable energy Survey
- Smart City Survey
- Agriculture Survey
- Repairs and Customization (Drone)
- Single Beam Echosounder Survey
- Multibeam Echosounder Survey
- Hydrographic Survey
- Bathymetric Survey
- Energy Audit Services
- Energy Efficiency Consultancy
- Green Building Consultancy
- Solar Power Consultancy
- Power Cost Reduction
- School Planning/Construction Assistance/PMC
- Affiliation/Legal Assistance
- Marketing and Business development
- Recruitment and Selection procedure
- Management System Consulting
- Value Added Product strategies
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