Dr.Terrace Waterproofing Contractors Chennai
Dr.Terrace Waterproofing an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Waterproofing Company in Chennai started in 1998, providing Building Repair, Waterproofing Services across South India & Operated by EX L&T Engineers.
Dr.Terrace Water Proofing is the Trade Mark Registered ISO:9001:2008 certified Waterproofing Company which is the part of Chendhur Murugan constructions and the division of Cipla technologies & innovation (P) limited. Dr.Terrace was found in the year of 1999 by the President of Tamilnadu Water Proofing contractor Association Along With J. Indumathi one of the leading Architect and Mr.Jaikrishnan who was the senior engineer in L&T.
Dr.Terrace Civil Services provide Waterproofing Services for both Interior and Exterior On concrete and Civil services across south India and doing turn over of three to four crore with 80 Technicians and 35 engineers and 120 Trained Applicators.
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