The Chopras’ are specifically renowned for Admission Counselling Services for Overseas Education and has its presence all over India in 22 cities. We provide expert guidance related to Admission, Scholarships, Visa Processing, Application process, Test Prep for Top Universities across the globe.
What do we do?
Global Education: "One-Stop Service” centres for overseas education in U.K, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Canada, Europe, Malaysia Switzerland & India. Get the best guidance in overseas education from our panel of expert advisers and counsellors.
Test Prep: The Chopras, along with its other comprehensive services, offers high quality preparation programmes for various standardized tests including entrance exams for colleges and graduate schools as well as English language proficiency testing. The Chopras test preparations products are known for its suite of high-tech, state-of-the-art teaching centres and professionally qualified tutors.
The Chopras Institute of Professional Education: TCIPE is an initiative of the “The Chopras” with the vision of ‘Shaping Lives and Careers through Education”. TCIPE has been established to actively promote this concept by providing courses that meet the needs of Indian students to acquire an education that prepares them for the job market immediately on graduation as the courses are designed to provide practical plus meaningful knowledge. TCIPE offers certificate, Diploma, Online Degrees, ACCA training centres and Language centres.
Our comprehensive suite of services include:-
• Career Pathway Assessment And Planning
• Course Selection
• Country Selection
• University Selection
• Admissions and Visa
• Accommodations
• Loans and Foreign Exchange
• Pre - Departure Briefing
• Post Arrival Service
• Psychometric Testing
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