Style 'N' Scissors

Lane No. 12, Gandhi Path, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan , - 302021
09828391448 (Click to call)
Category: Beauty Parlour
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Style 'N' Scissors

Style ‘N’ Scissors has the top-notch hair and skin care services at the best salon in India for you. Ritu Deswal is the founder of this salon brand in the year 2003 at Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur. Currently, this salon brand has 11 branches in total with 10 located in the most prominent places all over Jaipur and 1 in Vikaspuri, Delhi. The makeup artists working at the salon impart the top-notch makeup with their unique skills and creative thinking so that you get to be the most pretty self for any occasion. There is a range of salon services available at the salon for you including hair styling, luxury makeup, destination wedding and bridal makeup, nail art, body massages and polishing, aromatherapy, skiniti, etc. You can have a rejuvenating experience in body, mind, and soul with these salon services.



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