Our roots can be tracked down to February 2016, when the idea of BUSFAM took shape. We realized the hunger for promotions that businesses have and to fill their appetite we took birth as the CEO’s ‘brainchild’ and framed as a 360° digital marketing agency.
Business Unit for Survey and Feedback Agency Management or BUSFAM encompasses all the required features of digital promotion to provide brands with the desired exposure and spotlight.
Whom do we cater ?
Since the day of inception, we keep true to our oath – to help the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have online exposure and recognition and a higher return on investment through social media management and other digital marketing strategies.
Our Goal?
Stepping into a new year, we have further set our goals into shaping small and medium businesses and catering to their requirements. In an attempt to offer effective digital marketing solutions we are teaming up with professionals that hold the required knowledge and bring best to your table.
We look forward to supporting you and help your business grow the upcoming decades and earn greater returns on your investments.
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