Aakash (aaxxxxxx@gmail.com)
Health Care of children in India is not in a good state. The volunteers of Pratha Education are also working to spread awareness regarding various health issues, they visits the slum area on a regular basis to make the parents of these kids understand the importance of getting good health.
Raghav (vixxxxxx@mail.com)
Through a friend, I got to know about the good work that Pratha Foundation is doing for the underprivileged section of the society. I searched and researched about the kind of work that they do. I must say that I was really surprised to know that they are making putting in so much effort in helping the underprivileged.
Aakash (shxxxxxx@mail.com)
I am very happy to write down this testimony for Pratha Foundation. It is the best NGO in Noida. I am associated with this NGO from past many years and I am very proud to say that this NGO is extremely honest and helps the poor people in several ways. As per my experience this NGO has always shown honesty in their efforts to help others.
Kamya (rixxxxxx@ymail.com)
I am very happy to write down this testimony for Pratha Foundation. It is the best NGO in Noida. I am associated with this NGO from past many years and I am very proud to say that this NGO is extremely honest and helps the poor people in several ways. As per my experience this NGO has always shown honesty in their efforts to help others.
Ronit (raxxxxxx@yahoo.in)
I run a childcare centre for poor children. I came to know that Pratha Foundation provides education to such children, so I immediately contacted them and told them that a few children in my centre are of school going age. They readily offered to sponsor their education. I am very grateful to Pratha foundation.
Aahna (goxxxxxx@gmail.com)
I own a general store & through a customer came to know that a NGO named Pratha Foundation, is providing food & shelter to the needy kids. I joined the organization as a volunteer. I realize that these children have developed a sense of togetherness. I love to be part of such a good organization.
Mahi (kuxxxxxx@gmail.com)
My neighbors are very religious and they make annual donations to help poor people. From past few years they have been donating clothes and other things to Pratha foundation and they told me that this is a very responsible and reliable NGO. I have heard this from many other people as well, so now I have also started making donations to this NGO. I feel so peaceful to know that my donations are going in the right hands.
Chawla (chxxxxxx@gmail.com)
One day, my boss was enquiring me about my association with Pratha Foundation. I told him about their working & how diligently they are trying to ensure that underprivileged children are freed from the grasp of malnutrition. So after hearing everything & keeping in consideration all other factors, he on a company’s behalf decided to contribute for providing meals for 25 children for the whole year.
Gyanesh (gyxxxxxx@gmail.com)
One day, my boss was enquiring me about my association with Pratha Foundation. I told him about their working & how diligently they are trying to ensure that underprivileged children are freed from the grasp of malnutrition. So after hearing everything & keeping in consideration all other factors, he on a company’s behalf decided to contribute for providing meals for 25 children for the whole year.
Khushi (hrxxxxxx@gmail.com)
I still remember when one day I met a representative of Pratha Foundation who came to our office for fund raising activity. At that time I made a decision of contributing a part of my salary for providing food for the children, who are under the umbrella of this organization. As the time has passed, the level of my support has also increased. Now every month, I do buy some story books & donate it to the organization, to be read to the students.
Priya (pkxxxxxx@gmail.com)
Ever since, I have been a part of Pratha Foundation, strive is to eradicate the problem of Malnutrition. It is not a cake- walk, but even the baby steps in the right direction do count. The association with this organization has been for the past 3 years. I donate every year, so that food can be supplied for 2 children. Plus a timely contribution of clothes is also done. So, requesting more people to come forward to help in spreading awareness to larger section of the society
AMIT (amxxxxxx@gmail.com)
One day, my boss was enquiring me about my association with Pratha Foundation. I told him about their working & how diligently they are trying to ensure that underprivileged children are freed from the grasp of malnutrition. So after hearing everything & keeping in consideration all other factors, he on a company’s behalf decided to contribute for providing meals for 25 children for the whole year.
Komal (yyxxxxxx@pwrby.com)
Ever since, I have been a part of Pratha Foundation, strive is to eradicate the problem of Malnutrition. It is not a cake- walk, but even the baby steps in the right direction do count. The association with this organization has been for the past 3 years. I donate every year, so that food can be supplied for 2 children. Plus a timely contribution of clothes is also done. So, requesting more people to come forward to help in spreading awareness to larger section of the society.
Raj (raxxxxxx@gmail.com)
I was searching for childcare centre for poor people so that i can also help them in making their future. Then, I came to know about pratha foundation. Pratha Foundation is a conglomeration of all those people, who think alike & want to build a healthy society.
Shailesh (thxxxxxx@gmail.com)
Health Care of children in India is not in a good state. The volunteers of Pratha Education are also working to spread awareness regarding various health issues, they visits the slum area on a regular basis to make the parents of these kids understand the importance of getting good health
Gajesh (kuxxxxxx@gmail.com)
I work as an assistant in pratha foundation. Pratha foundation help needy children, women by providing funds for the treatment,education and I am proud to work with such a organisation.