Kingdom of Cakes - Designer Cakes Bakers
The Kingdom of Cakes is a premier and popular destination for lovers and connoisseurs of all varieties cakes to fit all occasions for celebration. We have multiple cake variety which suits your occasions. With our expert staff of designers, customer support, and artist strive for ongoing creativity and customer satisfaction. Our bakery partners use the best ingredients, offer fresh bakery products, customized to suit personal tastes, with excellent standards of creativity, and delivered with the highest degree of timeliness and assurance of impeccable quality. We provide prompt and efficient delivery service to clients for celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, engagements, children’s day, fathers day, mothers day, the first day at the job, new year cake, Halloween day and many more.
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See phone numbers, complete address, location on map, reviews , other details and services about Kingdom of Cakes - Designer Cakes Bakers Bakery in Noida. If you still have any confusion then you can send enquiry to us. We will assist you as soon as possible we can. If you find anything wrong then please report us we will modify information immediately. Delhi NCR -