Creating a guild system is something that I am very interested in

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Creating a guild system is something that I am very interested in

Crafting guilds are an awful place in general, by the time you're able to access the bank, its usefulness is gone. If the people were able to actually use the bank, it could be a good place for  low-mid-level crafting.

Personally, I wish that guilds come with mini-games or side activity to bring them to life. Woodcutting guild offers ents the ability to boost your level, and a sawmill, but nothing else. Mining guild has the mining glove... that are just difficult to get. It's a horrible grind for very little profit. The guild of farmers has contracts, however that are similar to what artisans are supposed to work.

I am a bit hesitant to say that they should all have minigames or bosses however I do believe that all need to make a case for their expertise. This could be done by offering unique content , bosses or minigames, as that they can promote the skill I would be okay. However, my problem lies in the fact that they are doing the same minigame or boss every single time as the go-to for how to revamp Guilds. I think there should be some degree of innovation within the guilds, and I believe there are some excellent suggestions for that.

In the future, creating an Clan System for Guilds is something I would be extremely interested in. Making an Achievement Diary-like Task System for accessing new areas within the Guilds as well for special buffs you can use while in the Guild is a great idea. A notice board in which Players can put up Tasks for players who are related to the Guild's Skill is one to think about.

But, it's worth saying that more does need to be done to help guilds, but it doesn't need to always be a minigame or boss as the solution especially in the event that the content the Guild offers can stand on its own , without these. This is why I believe that offering Guild exclusive content is the ideal way forward along with some minigames or bosses.

Please, dear Jagex, give me the Giant Fish Boss I need to enhance the game I have for  my Pet Fish Game thank you.

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