is an online e-commerce portal, retailing astrologically effective and natural gemstones to customers, who are looking for astrological remedies for various issues and situations or just to improve upon their current situation. We deal in 100% natural and authentic gemstones and gemstone jewellery.
We also provide free gemstone recommendation and consultation to our customers to better help them understand their needs and requirements along with discussing the various astrological factors and thereby helping them to choose the perfect gemstone for themselves. We provide free lab certification of all gemstones purchased from us to confirm the authenticity of our products.
We also provide COD service, along with a plethora of other payment methods and world-wide shipping. We operate a very tightly knit group of amazingly hard working employees, who bring something new and special to the table and are quick to resolve any work-related issue as fast as possible and in the most creative manner possible. Led by a visionary entrepreneur and CEO Mr. Nitin Yadav, we strive to provide the best gemstone shopping experience online.
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