Dr. Shilpi Bhadani - Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon in Delhi & Gurgaon
Dr. Shilpi Bhadani is a reputed expert in plastic surgery with specialization in Aesthetic and Cosmetic surgery of the face and body. She has been extensively trained in some of the best institutes of India and abroad. Her training includes extensive work in plastic surgery, breast surgery, acute burn treatments, post-burn reconstruction, and maxillofacial trauma. Over the years she has performed numerous successful liposuctions, breast surgeries, body-contouring, mommy makeovers, tummy tuck surgery, rhinoplasties, facelift (surgical & non-surgical) and scar revisions. She is also a recognized expert in dealing with facial trauma cases which includes facial fractures. Anti-wrinkle injections, Fillers, thread lifts & Lasers are also available.
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