Dr Rajeev Agarwal (Medanta)
Room No. 7, 10th floor, CH Baktawar Rd, Medicity, Islampur Colony, Sector 38, Gurugram, Haryana 122001,
Haryana - 122001
(Click to call)
Website: https://drrajeevagarwal.in/
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Dr. Rajeev Agarwal is one of the best breast cancer specialist in Gurgaon with more than 40 years of surgical experience. He is a renowned cancer specialist. He provides treatments for breast pain & breast lumps. He sucessfully treated many patients. After completing his training in cancer surgery from Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi & Tam Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, he has served in the past as a senior consultant at Dharam Shila Cancer Hospital, Delhi & Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi.
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