Pathfinders Healthcare Pvt Ltd

GF 001 Plot No 11-12 Dream Homes Unione Residency NH-24 Bahrampur , Ghaziabad , Uttar Pradesh - 201009
9582392331 (Click to call)
Category: Pathology Labs
Pathfinders Healthcare Pvt Ltd

Pathfinders labs is an elite Pathology and Wellness service provider with presence in the National Capital Region of Delhi. It was started by a group of professionals with the motto of “Affordable, Accurate and Accredited pathology at your footstep“. Pathfinders labs has gone beyond the concept of ´need based´ testing by promoting the concept of Preventive Healthcare. The health packages offered by Pathfinders labs are based on what the people need and not what sells in the market. Pathfinders labs ensures that every test conducted is of highest quality. The team of Pathfinders labs is committed to ensuring an amazing Customer experience and firmly believes in the philosophy of “Health is breath of life




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