Luxury Station

1249/A9 3rd Floor, Opposite Fortis Hospital, Vasant Kunj, Delhi , Delhi - 110017
011 - 41666692 (Click to call)
Category: Retail Store
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Luxury Station provides a truly international stratum of products and services to customers, being owned and run by a company based in Delhi, with products sourced by an experienced team in Italy whose background and knowledge of the fashion world has granted them special access to distributors, wholesalers and retailers of many of the finest luxury brands in the world.

The team’s passion for its work cultivates the belief held by fashion aficionados that authenticity is paramount to luxury. This has led us to build relationships solely with distributors dealing only in authentic products, and is the reason why we ensure that all our previously owned items go through extensive examination and evaluation by skilled experts to guarantee that they too are 100% genuine. Our unprecedented range of new and pre-owned products is a signal of our intent to be your partners in luxury, and to put fashion’s global marketplace at your fingertips.



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