Alzado India Private Limited
Plot no-1934, Firni Road Metro pillar no 507, Mundka New Delhi -110041,
Delhi - 110041
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Alzado India Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 05 December 2020. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Delhi.
A perfect combination of comfort, style, and workmanship, Alzado is all about confidence and making a fashion statement. Its flaunting design pattern will give you a cool statement as you take a step ahead in them. Inspired by the roots of India,
Alzado strive with a mission to Design for Life with exclusive designer products and the prime goal to delight you on every occasion. We constantly strive hard to make our customers happy and provide a fantastic experience with our comfortable yet elegant designs.
All the products are Made in India and we are focussed on providing our customers quality products at a genuinely reasonable prices. Please give us your feedback so that we can improve based on your valuable suggestions.
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