Public School in Rohini Sector 6
The Vidya Jain Public School is located at Vidya Jain Public School, Sec 6, Rohini. The school was established in year 1980. It is a Co-educational school and offers education in English medium,running under the aegis of Vardhman Mahavira Education Society.
Vidya Jain Public School is one of the top schools in Delhi. EduRaft's ranking for Vidya Jain Public School is Tier-'A'. Vidya Jain Public School is a English medium school. The school was founded in the year 1980 and it is affiliated to the CBSE board. The school is a Co-Education school and it has classes from 1 to 12. The School also has a pre primary section. Vidya Jain Public School is a Private School school.
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