Top Civil Advocate in Supreme Court of India

Cabin No.05, Consultation Room, Ground Floor, C.K Daftary Chamber Block, (Near Gate No.D of Supreme Court of India) New Delhi 110001., Delhi , Delhi - 110001
9811338667 (Click to call)
Category: Lawyers
Top Civil Advocate in Supreme Court of India

You have come to a right place finding a Top Civil Advocate In Supreme Court of India, here you will get a professional lawyer who is especially here to listen to you and collect all the evidence for you. As a professional lawyer you will be benefitted in a lot of ways. Because there is a proper procedure involved like how to present the whole case in front of the court, which our law firm is practiced in.

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The right to file a case and argue in the supreme court does not belong to every advocate. A person cannot be eligible to fight a case in the supreme court of India unless he has passed the advocate on record examination and has registered with the state bar council for at least 4 years with all the other criteria. Their experience in the civil, criminal, and matrimonial courts of the highest court of India spans more than 16 years. He is one of the Best Supreme Court Lawyers in Delhi.

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From list first to list third, the Supreme Court lawyers in India are divided into three categories, with the first lawyers being more experienced and older and more expensive, while the second list is much younger and is referred to as senior advocates, whereas the third list has lawyers who are known as junior advocates.

We made this list for the purpose of giving knowledge to law students and giving knowledge about Supreme Court lawyers in India which is the purpose of making the list.

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