W Pratiksha hospital and Dr. Ragini Agrawal

East patel nagar, Delhi , Delhi - 110007
7899912611 (Click to call)
Category: Hospitals
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W Pratiksha hospital and Dr. Ragini Agrawal

W pratiksha hospital offers the highest standards in medicinal services through a mix of front line innovation, a group of well-qualified, experienced and committed doctors with worldwide instruction and experience, and super specialized clinicians. We convey to you 25 years of involvement in treating thousands of cheerful patients across numerous hospitals and clinics in India. A ultra-present day hospital with agreeable mood, W offers a touch of warmth, the highest respect for understanding security and transparent charging practices which has earned us our patients' trust. We ensure that this quality care comes to you and no more reasonable cost, in the most easily accessible city in India.

Dr. Ragini Agrawal is Director Medical Services for W Pratiksha Hospital and Clinical Director – Obstetrics, Gynecology, Minimal Access Surgery & Cosmetic Gynecologist.



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