Ethos Acupressure Clinic, New Delhi

T 12 Green Park Extension, Delhi , Delhi - 110016
+919810155920 (Click to call)
Category: Doctors
Ethos Acupressure Clinic, New Delhi

Ethos Acupressure Clinic, New Delhi

The drugless wonder of acupressure and reflexology for stress management, holistic wellness and treatment of pain, physical diseases and psycho-emotional complaints. Lakhs of successful cases acclaim Ethos Healthcare for Best Service & Treatment with Least Price. Our Mission is Safe effective and affordable treatment.

Dr Anjali  Sharma

Acupuncture Consultant, Pain, Infertility & Deaddiction Management Specialist

DPT, BTCM(Acu), MD(Acu), PhD(Acu), ISSA (USA)

PPHC, PGDHH, PGCPM, Fellowship Holistic Health (Apollo Hospitals)

Awarded 'Best Acupuncture Doctor'



Ethos Healthcare

T 12 Green Park Extension, New Delhi 110016. India

Phone (Landline: - +91-11-46026700, 26164016

Phone Mobile (+Whatsapp) - +91-9810155920

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