Dawn English Academy

1 of 5 - based on 1 reviews
C-160, Lajpat Nagar-2, Near Central market, On Roxy road, Delhi , Delhi - 110024
09654349066 , 9873494051 (Click to call)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 07:00 am to 10:00 pm



Reviews (1)

  • Vijay Vashisth (vixxxxxx@gmail.com)

    vijay vashisth in the last week Dawn acedamy has misguided me, they have charged for IELTS and spoken english both but neither they taught english well nor they have guided on IELTS part. I will request to DAWN acedamy either teach english for full time when student is ready for IELTS than start giving classes and start charging, no need to confuse the student when you can not put legs in two boats together. Reviews can be bought by anyone now the days there are so many digital media companies and bloggers who can write blogs and reviews by charging some money

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